Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Classmate's blogs # 2

This week our assignment was to read two classmate's blogs.
The first blog I read was about Public Relations done in France by Vanessa. I thought her blog on research and whither it is truly helpful or just used to create hype. It was interesting to read because I never would think about "tainted" research. Another part of her blog that I thought was intriguing was when she talked about how on one website she found not a lot of companies used research the right way, or even at all! I thought after reading the previous blog how weird it is to me that companies would ignore research a product. You would think that the company would probably save money in the long wrong research would be used a lot more.

The second blog I read was by Katerina. She wrote about social media and the blog I found really interesting was social media and the internet. I did my group project on unobtrusive research and the legality behind it. Since companies can pretty much find anything anyone post on the internet and then can take action against them; it raises a legal and ethical question. It was captivating to read how even with people knowing that the internet doesn't forget people still are more open on the internet than ever before.

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