Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Classmate's blogs

This week our assignment in class was to review two of our peers blogs. The first person blog I decided to read was week two of Kaitie Lovett's blog. The reason I picked her is because we are both focusing in on crisis management PR.  I thought it would be interesting to see another viewpoint on the topic. I picked her second week blog because I had issues with really finding information on the topic of research behind crisis management. The first thing I thought was really insightful was how she picked a crisis like a school shooting and the research everyone does afterwards - almost like an evaluation of everything NOT to do. I really liked in this section how she related it back to the public relations field with this quote:
" a situation like a school shooting the research results plays a huge role, because it’s the research of what would make people feel safe again; what can others do to make something that drastic go back to normal? But, that’s the job of anyone in the PR field, to know how to handle crisis situations; and you want to make sure you do your research all the way through because if the research is wrong, the way you go about solving the issue at hand could be completely thrown off."
So to sum it up I thought the idea of taking something like a school shooting - where one might not realize the importance of research for the crisis was unexpected and well thought-out. 

The second blog I chose was one from the entertainment side of public relations. I chose this blog because on the first day we went around the room and it seemed like a lot of my peers were interested in this topic. I really wanted to find out more so I decided to do Nikki's blog on The Spin Crowd. I've never watched the show so I thought she did a good job of providing a synopsis of the show. She related well back to research and compared it to the lack there of in the show. 

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